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Teaching Sprints is a simple and effective approach to collaborative professional learning. Whether you are a teacher looking to improve their own craft, an instructional coach working with teams, or a school leader rethinking professional learning across a school, this course will provide you with a clear framework and practical next steps.

Through this course you will:

  • Examine the importance of enhancing adaptive teaching expertise

  • Be guided through each phase of the Teaching Sprints approach

  • Explore how robust and relevant research evidence can be used to inform practice improvement efforts

  • Learn how to facilitate the process and harness the tools for disciplined dialogue and review

  • Make a plan for how to successfully implement Teaching Sprints within your unique educational context

  • Enjoy access for 12 months so that you can learn at your own pace & revisit the content as needed

Course curriculum

12 Month Access - 2 hrs of Video Content

  • 01


    • Welcome from Dr Simon Breakspear, co-creator of Teaching Sprints and course facilitator

    • Print out: The Teaching Sprints process

    • Components of the course

    • How to engage with the course

    • Engaging with the Teaching Sprints book

    • A history of Teaching Sprints

    • Website: Spend some time exploring the Teaching Sprints website

    • Quiz: The goal of Teaching Sprints

  • 02

    Part 1 - Big Ideas about Getting Better

    • Thinking about practice improvement

    • 1.1. Big Idea 1 - Start with the best bets

    • 1.2. Big Idea 2 - Practice makes progress

    • 1.3. Big Idea 3 - Focus on tiny shifts

    • Summary of the 3 big ideas about getting better

  • 03

    Part 2 - The Teaching Sprints Process

    • The 3-Phase Process

    • Print-out: Teaching Sprints process overview

    • 2.1. The Prepare phase

    • 2.2. The Sprint phase

    • 2.3. The Review phase

    • Summary of the 3-Phase Process

  • 04

    Download protocols

    • Protocol Download: Research Jigsaw

    • Protocol Download: Learn and let go

    • Protocol download: Picture of practice

    • Protocol download: Boulder Pebble Sand

    • Check-in Protocol to be run during the Sprint Phase

    • Download: Review protocol

  • 05

    Part 3 - Establishing an Improvement Routine

    • Establishing an improvement routine

    • The 3 key questions for setting up a routine

    • 3.1. Teaching teams: Who could work together in Teaching Sprints?

    • 3.2. Scheduling: When can we run our Teaching Sprints in a busy term?

    • Audit: Review potential collaboration time that could be reallocated for Teaching Sprints

    • Live workshop clip - Identifying practice improvement time

    • Planner: Scheduling Teaching Sprints

    • 3.3. Focus Area: How do we choose an area of practice to work on?

    • Summary of Part 3

  • 06

    Part 4 - Leading the Process

    • 4.1. The role of a Sprint leader

    • 4.2. Leading the Prepare Phase

    • 4.3. Leading the Sprint Phase

    • 4.4. Leading the Review Phase

    • 4.5. Working with other Sprint leaders

    • 4.6. Live workshop clip - Considering a Sprints research lead within your school

    • Teaching Sprints Pulse Check Survey

  • 07

    Course Conclusion

    • Conclusion of the course - Running Teaching Sprints

  • 08

    Reading List on Professional Learning & Expertise Development

    • Optional Reading: Teacher expertise - Why it matters and how to get more of it (Wiliam, 2015)

    • Optional Reading: Linking effective professional learning with effective teaching practice (Cole, 2012)

    • Reading: Practice with purpose (Deans for Impact)

    • Reading: A manifesto for evidence-based education (Prof Rob Coe)

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